Share Files from SkyDrive

Compose your message in and when you’re ready to attach a file, click Insert > Share from SkyDrive.

A separate window will open to the files and folders stored in your SkyDrive. Just select the ones you want to share.

You can also share complete folders too.

In this example I am sharing some photos and a folder from my SkyDrive. Notice that it displays thumbnails of your photos which makes it easier to know what you’re sharing. If you don’t want to share something, just right click it and select Remove.

When the recipient gets the message, they just need to click on a shared file, folder, or picture thumbnail and it will open to SkyDrive so they can view or download it.

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How To Share Files from SkyDrive in Outlook com - 79How To Share Files from SkyDrive in Outlook com - 88How To Share Files from SkyDrive in Outlook com - 24How To Share Files from SkyDrive in Outlook com - 11How To Share Files from SkyDrive in Outlook com - 62How To Share Files from SkyDrive in Outlook com - 16