Back Up Your Instagram Photos

Before deleting your account, you’ll want to download your photos and back them up first. The easiest way to do this is outlined in our groovy guide for Downloading Your Instagram Photos with Instaport. Follow and complete that guide, and then follow the rest below to permanently delete the account. Of course, if you don’t have any photos worth saving feel to skip ahead.

In fact, you probably don’t need to use a third-party utility like Instaport any more. The company now allows you to download a full archive of all your Instagram data.

Delete Instagram Account

All you have to do to delete your Instagram account is visit the following URL on its website: Then just click the big red “Permanently Deactivate My Account” button at the bottom of the page. You will, of course, get a second dialog pop up asking if you are sure you want to delete your account. Click “Yes”.

Poof! No more Instagram account, it’s that quick. It’s a much easier process than permanently deleting your Facebook account. Which is interesting considering Facebook owns Instagram.

Just remember that along with the account, all data and photos attached to it will also be deleted. So, make sure you download your pictures before you nuke the account. What’s your opinion? Are you so irritated with Instagram’s new terms of service that you’re ditching it? Leave a comment and tell us about it. Comment Name * Email *

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